English Literature - Alphabetical (6)

Last installation, 'S' through 'Y':


Scott, Walter: historical novelist 

Shakespeare, William: Hamlet (First Quarto - 1603, Second Quarto - 1604, First Folio - 1623), King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus, Romeo and JulietCymbeline (c. 1610),  Richard III, Henry IV, Part One, Mucedorus (1598, revived with additions by Shakespeare's acting company in 1610), Venus and Adonis (1593, poem), Much Ado About Nothing, The Winter's Tale (1610)  

Shaw, George Bernard: Pygmalion (1913, comedy), Nobel winner in 1925 

Shelley, Percy B: 'A Defence of Poetry' (1821, essay), Adonais (poem, elegy on Keats in 19th c.), The Cenci (1819, tragedy) 

Smith, Adam: lectures on 'rhetoric and belles-lettres' in Edinburh in late 1740s 

Southey, Robert: accepted Laureateship in 1813 

Spenser, Edmund: Elizabethn (16th c.) poet, A View of the Present State of Ireland (political dialogue), Faerie Queene (1590-6, epic romance)  

Steele, Richard: essays for The Tatler (1709) 

Sterne, Lawrence: The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman (1759-67)

Stevenson, Robert Louis: children's literature author?  

Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's Travels (1726) 


Taine, Hippolyte: Histoire de la litterature anglaise (1864, 4-volumes, in French) 

Tennyson, Alfred: Poet Laureate on Wordsworth's death; 'Charge of the Light Brigade' (poem, 4 years after becoming Laureate), In Memorian A.H.H. (1850), 'Ulysses' (1842, poem)  

Thomas, Edward: died in WWI, writer of lush rural prose, later poet, 'As the team's head-brass' (1916, poem) 


Walcott, Derek: 1992 Nobel winner, citizen of Saint Lucia, Sea Grapes (1976, poems) which includes ' Sainte Lucie', Omeros (1990), Midsummer (1984) 

Weston, Elizabeth Jane (1581-1612): collected Latin poems published in 1602, spent most of her life in Prague

Wilde, Oscar: The Importance of Being Earnest (1895, comedy)

Virginia Woolf: Orlando: A Biography (1928) , To the Lighthouse (1927), contributes to Times Literary Supplement, 'Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown' (essay, 1924)

Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads (1798, 1800 with preface) includes 'The Idiot Boy', 'The Mad Mother', 'We Are Seven', The Prelude (1805, published 1850), 'Tintern Abbey', 'Michael', 'Resolution and Independence'


Yeats, WB: Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888), The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems (1889), The Celtic Twilight (1893), The Countess Cathleen (1899, drama), On Baile's Strand (play), Cathleen Ni Houlihan (play), 'Three Movements' (poem, 1932), 1923 Nobel winner.


This has been quite an effort to type out authors in this Oxford VSI. I am sure there are authors and works missed in the process.  

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